Content Marketing Strategy for SaaS Companies

How To Implement Content Marketing Strategy for SaaS Companies

‍Content marketing is a powerful tool for helping your saas company stand out from the crowd and grow. It’s an especially useful strategy for SaaS companies, which can sometimes struggle to differentiate themselves from their competitors. 

With a marketing strategy centred around content, you not only put your company’s knowledge and expertise centre stage, but you also give potential users valuable information about your company and its products.

But content marketing is also a time-consuming strategy. It requires a significant amount of organisational and time management skills to ensure that you have the capacity to produce valuable, engaging content on a regular basis.

Remember that content marketing can be expensive and requires resources, such as writers and software, which your company may not have at its disposal.

Here is how to create a content marketing strategy for SaaS companies:

Step 1). Define your audience

Before you start writing, you’ll first want to figure out who your audience is. Not only will this assist you in determining the type of content you should be creating, it will also help you understand who you’re writing for.  

Objectives are the reasons you’re writing content and are the heart of your strategy. 

In the SaaS world, your objectives will vary based on the type of content you’re creating.

Step 2). Define Your Objectives

As you think about your audience, you’ll want to think about what you want them to get out of your content. 

Objectives will help direct your content strategy. 

For example, if your audience’s objective is to learn about your products, you may want to include in-depth product reviews. 

On the other hand, if one of their objectives is to save time, you could include how-to guides that provide step-by-step instructions. 

You also need to know the KPIs you’ll be measuring your content against. These will help you determine what to measure, how to measure it, and how to make adjustments if needed.

Step 3). Set Your Content Strategy

Now that you know who your audience is and what you want them to get out of your content, you’re ready to create your strategy. 

A strategy isn’t a one-time thing; it should be a living document that evolves as you move through the stages of marketing. 

Your strategy will outline how you will create the content that meets your objectives, what type of content you’ll create, and how often you’ll create it.  

You also need to decide on the types of content you want to produce. There are five main categories: blog posts, videos, podcasts/webinars/webinar recordings, eBooks/white papers/PDFs/ebooks (with or without opt-in), guides or other written formats, and social media posts.

 There may be other types of content that are a good fit for your business, so don’t limit yourself to the five listed here. 

Step 4). Measure and track your success

Once you’ve implemented your content strategy, measured its success, and adjusted your strategy accordingly, you’ll want to track its progress over time. 

Track conversions, page views, and clickthrough rates. Use segmentation to track the effectiveness of your content based on the audience you’re targeting. 

And, most importantly, track your success so you can evaluate whether your content strategy is effective.

How To Implement Content Marketing Strategy for SaaS Companies

‍Content marketing can be an incredibly rewarding strategy for your SaaS company if you follow the right steps. 

Here are some essential steps to successfully implementing content marketing for your saas business:

#1. Set yourself up for success with an editorial calendar

An editorial calendar is a tool that ensures your website is regularly updated with new and engaging content. 

It helps you plan out what types of articles you will publish on a regular basis and when they will go live on your site. 

Furthermore, it helps you figure out how often and in what format you will publish these articles.

For example, you can decide to publish a blog post every Monday, whereas you may opt for a newsletter on the first Tuesday of each month. 

Finally, an editorial calendar enables you to make sure that your content is consistent in terms of quality and quantity.

‍You can use a free tool like Asana to set up your editorial calendar. Alternatively, if you want something more customised and detailed, there are plenty of paid options available such as CoSchedule. 

The key here is to make sure that your content marketing strategy is well-structured so that it doesn’t fall apart after just a few months. 

This will help ensure that content marketing continues to be an important part of your SaaS business’s long-term strategy and not just another fad.

#2. Create valuable content that engages your audience

The second tip for creating a successful content marketing strategy for SaaSis to create valuable content that helps your audience solve problems they face. 

The point of this content is not simply to help them solve a specific problem but also to engage with them and encourage them to interact with your brand.

There are countless ways you can create valuable content for your target audience: it could be a video tutorial, an infographic, a blog post or even an e-book. 

As long as this content is interesting for your audience, it will help you establish a stronger relationship with them. 

That’s why it’s important to understand the types of problems your target customers are facing and the questions they may ask when they search online (i.e., what keywords they type into Google).

For instance, if you run a SaaS business that provides HR solutions to small businesses, then one of the problems you can identify is onboarding new hires into the company. 

Your target audience may search for answers on how to effectively onboard new employees or when should they start onboarding new hires. 

If you produce great content that helps small businesses solve these problems – such as an eBook – then it will help attract more potential customers and increase sales leads in the long term.

#3. Use social media channels like Facebook and LinkedIn to promote your content and drive traffic back to your site

Once you have created valuable content, the next step is promoting it on social media channels like Facebook and LinkedIn.

This is where you can share your content with your current and potential customers on social media.

When should you promote your content?

You can promote the content you’ve created on social media channels at any time. 

However, we recommend doing it when you publish a new piece of content (or when you update it). This way, people who are interested in this topic can easily find the information they need. 

It also helps them gain a clear picture of what they can expect from your company and what value they will get from it.

How to promote your content on social media channels like Facebook and LinkedIn?

When promoting your content on Facebook or LinkedIn, there are two ways to do it: 

  • By posting directly to the business page or by sharing an article or blog post with one of the following options: “Public”, “Friends of friends”, “Close friends”, “Only Me” or “Custom audience”. 

You can also promote your content by creating ads on Facebook or LinkedIn (more details below).

We recommend sharing posts with a custom audience instead of the public because this way you will only reach people who are interested in that certain topic and may be potential customers for your business. 

For example, if you published an eBook about how to onboard new employees into companies, then promoting the post with a custom audience will make sure that only employees from different companies will see your post.

#4. Map Your Funnel

If you want to know what is going on with your business and how your customers are interacting with your business, then you need to map your sales funnel. 

This will allow you to understand what works and what doesn’t work for you in terms of sales and marketing.

A sales funnel is a system that enables you to track the interactions between potential customers and your company. 

By mapping out your sales funnel, you will be able to see where the customer is in their journey before they become a customer. You can also see where they get lost or drop off during the process.

At the same time, create content for each level of the sales funnel. In other words, you can start publishing case studies to convert those who have tried a free trial of your product or video tutorials for those who have shown interest in your product.

#5. Hire a professional content creator

Implementation of your SaaS content marketing strategy depends on how fast and well you can produce valuable content for your customers.

Hiring a professional content creator is a good idea if you want to increase the quality and effectiveness of your content marketing. 

There are many ways in which you can hire a professional for creating valuable content for your customers. 

You can choose to work directly with one of the authors on your team or hire an entire team that specializes in creating valuable and engaging content. 

Here are some ways in which you can find suitable candidates:

  • Online job boards – A good place to look for qualified candidates is online job boards. These are websites that have a large number of available jobs in different fields. You can also search for them using your keywords. In order to find qualified candidates, you need to set up your job posting and then define the requirements for the position. As an example, if you are looking for a writer to write content for your website, then here are some things that you should consider while setting up the job posting:
  • What is the nature of the content (e.g., How long will it be, what will it cover)?
  • Who should be able to write this content? (e.g., Do we want someone with experience or a beginner?)
  • What is the purpose of this content? (e.g., Does it need to be informative or entertaining?)
  • Trade journals – These are professional publications that focus on specific areas of expertise and/or interests. You can find a list of these publications by searching for “trade journals” or “professional journals” in the search engine of your choice. You can also visit most libraries to find out a list of trade journals.
  • Professional associations – Professional associations are organizations that bring together professionals in various fields. They are known to have websites that have many job postings and they also host conferences and workshops where you can meet with qualified candidates from all over the world.

Content Marketing Strategy for SaaS Companies FAQs

What is SaaS Content Marketing?

SaaS Content Marketing is a process of creating and publishing high-quality content on a SaaS business’s website to attract and engage customers. SaaS marketers use a variety of types of content, including blog posts, videos, ebooks, and case studies to grow their business. This blog will help you create SaaS content marketing strategies that work.

How do you create a SaaS Content Marketing strategy?

The first thing you need to do is define who your target audience is and what kind of content they want to consume. You can’t just send out a newsletter to everyone on your email list and assume they will want to read it. You need to determine what your ideal customers want to know and what topics are most relevant to them so they feel motivated to take action after reading your content.

Why is content important for SaaS?

It is important for several reasons. First, it helps you stand out from the crowd. Marketing your SaaS product feels a lot different than marketing yourself. If you’re selling yourself, you can use the 5 love languages to make sure your customers feel loved. However, if you’re selling a product, you need to make sure it has value for your customers. You do this by offering them something they need.

Second, content marketing helps you scale. As a SaaS company, you don’t have to worry about hiring new employees to provide a service. You only have to worry about hiring writers to get your content out there. This is a huge advantage to SaaS companies.

Final Thoughts

Creating content is a crucial part of marketing your saas company. 

Successfully implementing a content marketing strategy will help your business grow and become more successful by better connecting with your audience and offering valuable information to your customers.  

But it is a challenging but rewarding process. It’s especially important for SaaS companies, as they can sometimes struggle to differentiate themselves from their competitors.  

To ensure you’re successful, follow these 4 steps. They’ll help you create valuable content that engages your audience and drives them to take action.

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