marketing strategies for a travel agency in Kenya

7 Proven Marketing Strategies for a Travel Agency in Kenya

Last updated on June 24th, 2023 at 06:47 am

This blog post will reveal 7 proven marketing strategies for a travel agency in Kenya. If that’s what you are looking for, you are in the right place.

In today’s world, the line between the physical and digital worlds is blurrier than ever. As a result, marketing your company has never been more important. 

You need to have a variety of strategies in place to spread the word about your business. 

The best way to do this? Through effective marketing campaigns.

If you are a travel agency in Kenta, there are various marketing strategies you could implement to promote your services and reach new customers.

1). Social Media

Social media is a great way to promote your business. By using social media effectively, you will be able to reach many potential customers and spread the word about your business

Which Social Media Platforms Should I Use?

If you are in the travel industry, you should definitely implement social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. These platforms allow you to connect with potential customers and spread the word about your business. 

Additionally, LinkedIn is a great way to reach out to people who might be interested in your services. By using LinkedIn, you can spread the word about your business in a more professional manner. 

How do I Start?

The best way to start is by finding out what the current trends are in your industry. You can do this by searching through various social media platforms. 

Once you have identified some trends, you should focus on these platforms and build up a large following. 

Once you have built up a large following, then you can use these platforms to market your business.

2). Search Engine Optimization

SEO is another one of the best marketing strategies for a travel agency in Kenya.

Search Engine Optimization is extremely important in today’s digital world. When you are attempting to find a product or service for sale, you will need to make sure that your site is indexed by search engines like Google.

If you are not being found by search engines, it is likely that potential customers will never find you.

You should use SEO when trying to reach out to potential customers as well. If someone comes across your site and does not see anything relating to travel, they probably won’t click on your website. 

By using SEO techniques, you can increase the likelihood of people clicking on your website and finding out more information about your business.

How do I Start?

Before you start using SEO techniques, it is important to know what keywords people are searching for on a regular basis. 

To find out what keywords are being searched for regularly, use a keyword tool such as Google Keyword Planner or WordTracker

Once you have determined what keywords people are searching for most often, then it is time to implement them into the content of your site. For example, if “flights from London” were trending recently in Google searches, then it would be a good idea to include that term in the content of your site (e.g., “Flights from London”). 

Additionally, make sure that any other terms that are related (e.g., cheap flights from London) are also included in the content of your site (e.g., “Cheap flights from London”).

After you have written content that includes all of the terms that are trending, then it is time to implement the other SEO techniques. 

SEO techniques will vary depending on your industry and website type. 

For example, for a travel website, you can include links to articles about destinations, reviews of hotels, and booking pages. For an eCommerce site, you can include reviews of products and best-selling products.

3). Paid Advertising

Paid advertising is one of the great marketing strategies for a travel agency in Kenya. By using paid advertising, you will be able to reach a broader audience than you would be able to reach with SEO.

For example, if you have a new website, then it will take time for it to rank on search engines. In the meantime, paid advertising is an excellent way to get your website in front of people who are searching for travel information. 

Paid advertising can also be used by established travel agencies to help increase their profits. For example, an established agency can use paid advertising to increase profits by increasing the number of bookings that they receive.

One of the most important things about using paid advertising is that it is necessary to use a broad-based PPC (pay per click) service such as Google AdWords or Microsoft adCenter in order to get results quickly and effectively. 

If you are not familiar with these services or do not know how to use them properly, then it might be best for you to hire someone else who does know how to use them properly (e.g., an SEO company).

Here are some tips on how to use PPC effectively: 

a). Choose your keywords wisely 

Keywords that are related directly to your site name or business name will typically receive more traffic than keywords that do not relate directly to your business. 

However, even if your keywords are not directly related to your business, you can still get traffic from those keywords. 

For example, if you are a travel agency in Kenya and you want to advertise travel to Nairobi, then it is a good idea to use the keyword “Nairobi” in your paid advertising campaign.

b). Use broad match modifiers 

Broad match modifiers will allow Google or Microsoft’s search engine to show your advertisements for searches that include words that are closely related to the words that you use in your advertisement. 

For example, if you were advertising for London travel and wanted people searching for “New York City” or “Los Angeles” travel as well as “London” travel, then using broad match modifiers would be a good idea.

c). Use negative keywords 

Negative keywords will prevent Google or Microsoft’s search engine from showing your advertisement when someone uses a word that is closely related to one of the words that you have used in your advertisement.

For example, if you were advertising for hotels in London and did not want people searching for hotels in Paris or Rome when they searched for hotels in London). 

Using negative keywords can help make sure that only people who are looking specifically for what you have advertised will see it.

d). Use multiple ads 

Using multiple ads is another way of increasing clickthrough rates (i.e., getting more clicks on an ad) and improving conversion rates (i.e., getting more people to click through to your website). 

For example, if you were selling sunglasses and had one advertisement for all the different kinds of sunglasses that you sell, it would not be as effective as having ten advertisements for each kind of sunglasses that you sell. 

The reason is that people are more likely to click on an ad that is specifically relevant to what they are looking for. Thus, having ten different ads will generally give you a higher clickthrough rate than having just one ad. Using multiple ads also reduces your cost per click (CPC) by reducing the average CPC of your campaign as a whole.

e). Use Google’s Keyword Planner 

Google’s Keyword Planner can help you find out which keywords are most commonly used in a certain area and how much traffic these keywords get (i.e., what their monthly search volume is). 

You can use the planner to help determine which broad match modifiers you should use (see point b) above), which exact match modifiers you should use (see point c) above), and which negative keywords you should use (see point d) above).

g). Track your adverts using Google Analytics 

Once someone has clicked on your advert, they will be directed to your website. If they do not complete any actions on your website within a certain amount of time then chances are that they will not complete any actions at all; this is called “bounce rate”. 

Tracking how people behave on your website is important because it allows you to identify where they are going and whether or not they are finding your website useful.

If people do not find your website useful then they will not return to it, and therefore you will waste advertising money on a pointless campaign. 

Google Analytics allows you to track how people behave on your website in order to see what users are doing and whether or not they are finding your site useful. 

If people do not find your site useful then you can alter the wording of your adverts and/or website in order to make them more relevant to the average user.

g). Use a call-only number 

You should always use a call-only number for telephone marketing because this will help you track how many calls result from each advert (see point d) above). 

Call-only numbers can be bought from telephone companies for relatively cheap prices (e.g., about £0.10 per minute), so this option should be considered if you have a large budget for advertising.

4). Invest in Content Marketing

Content marketing is a great way to spread the word about your travel business in Kenya. Content marketing involves creating high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience. You can then use this content to spread the word about your business.

Content marketing allows you to spread the word about your business in a more subtle manner. You will be able to reach out to many potential customers and gain their trust before you even mention anything about your business.

Content marketing is very cost-effective and can lead to significant returns on investment if you do it right. If you invest in content marketing, you will be able to reach out to many potential customers and gain their trust before you even mention anything about your business. 

How do I Start?

The first thing that you need to do is create compelling content for social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. 

You should also create blog posts for your website and post them on various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc… Once you have created all this content, then you can use it effectively for promoting your business on various social media platforms 

5). Have a YouTube Channel

YouTube is a great tool that you can use to market a travel agency in Kenya. It is the second largest search engine in the world, and it is growing every day.

You can create videos that show your customers how to use your products, or you can use them to promote your business.

How do I Start?

The first step is to create a YouTube channel. After that, you should start creating videos and uploading them to your channel. 

However, before you upload any videos, make sure that they are relevant and useful for your customers. If you want people to watch your videos, then they have to be interesting and useful for them. 

In addition to this, make sure that all of the information on your YouTube channel is correct and up-to-date. When people visit your YouTube channel for the first time, they will be able to learn about everything about your business quickly and easily.

6). Use an online booking software

If you want to be able to accept bookings online, then you should use an online booking software.

If your business is going to be running classes or workshops, then this software will allow you to do that.

This software can be used by customers and businesses in different ways. Some people will use it to schedule appointments, while others will use it to book their services or products in advance.

It is important that your business has its own website and a professional website design. It is also important that you have a way for customers to contact you and a way for them to make bookings with your business. The best way for you to do this is with an online booking software.

7). Try email marketing

Email marketing is one of the most powerful ways to promote your business. It is important that you have an email marketing campaign because it will allow you to target your customers with the right message at the right time. This can include anything from a seasonal offer, a way for you to ask for feedback or a way for them to leave a review of your service.

The main thing that you need to take into account when using email marketing is that you need to make sure that people are able to find your emails and open them. You should always provide a link on your website and in any other places where people can view it.

You should also be sure to use images in all of your emails, as this will help improve their chances of being read. You should also provide people with useful information about what they can expect when they visit your business and what services they will be able to get from you. 

You should also remember that these emails are going out every day, so they need to be relevant and interesting at all times. This is why it is important that you keep up-to-date with all of this information, as well as make sure that people are able to find what they are looking for easily when they visit your site.

If you are looking for effective and free marketing strategies for a travel agency in Kenya, this is it!

All of these are cost-effective advertising in Kenya.

Final Thoughts

It is important to remember that marketing your business is not just about how you market your business. It is also about how you engage with potential customers.

If you want to reach more people, then it is important that you use social media and SEO techniques in order to increase the reach of your business. If you are still new to these things, then it might be best for you to hire someone else who knows how to use them properly (e.g., an SEO company).

However, if you already know what needs to be done and what tools must be used, it is time for action!

Read also: 11 Best Marketing Strategies in Kenya


If you are looking for the best content writers, we can help! We provide content writing services for your blog, magazine, or website. We will write the best quality articles, which will help you to gain more traffic and improve your online presence. 

Our writers are highly experienced and are trained in SEO, so they can write high-quality articles that will rank high on search engines.

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