Marketing Strategies for Your Website in Kenya

7 Proven Marketing Strategies for Your Website in Kenya

Last updated on February 4th, 2024 at 11:36 am

Here, you will find proven marketing strategies for a website in Kenya. These are ways to get your blog noticed and make money in the process.

Do you ever feel like your website is falling short of its potential?

It might be hard to believe, but according to statistics, around 36% of websites are profitable.

That means a lot of websites out there that aren’t making money.

If you’re not getting any leads from your website, it might be a problem.

To help improve your odds of success, keep reading for some helpful tips on how to market your website and increase your visibility in the eyes of potential customers and suppliers.

1). Blogging

One of the most effective ways to market your website in Kenya is by writing blogs. If you have a blog, you can use it to share information about your products and services, as well as post press releases and other interesting content.

You can also turn your blog into a forum for discussions about your products, services, or industry.

To get started, first identify what you want to talk about and the sort of audience you want. Then, start writing.

If this sounds like too much work, or don’t have an idea of what to do, consider hiring professional content writers to do it for you.

This is a good way to make money from your website and get noticed by the right people.

Resource: How to Start a Blog in Kenya (An Make Money)

2). Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Another one of the best marketing strategies for a website in Kenya is SEO.

According to Wikipedia, “A search engine is a computer program that indexes and ranks the world’s information resources according to specific criteria.”

It is basically a computer program that scours the internet for relevant information and ranks them according to its relevancy.

If you have a website, you want it to be indexed as quickly as possible.

So what does that mean?

Well, for your website to be ranked at the top of the list, it must be highly relevant to what people are searching for.

For example, if someone is searching for information about childcare services in Nairobi, your website should rank highly on that search engine.

To get your website indexed on popular search engines like Google and Yahoo!, you should use Google’s free service called Google Search Console. This tool can help you track how well your website is performing across various major search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, and Bing. (For more details on how to use these tools see this article .)

How do I do SEO?

Although there are plenty of different ways of doing SEO, one way is by using a combination of certain keywords in your content and linking back to other websites that have relevant content. 

For example:  if someone types in “childcare services in Nairobi” into Google they will come across your website (assuming you have done SEO correctly) as one of the top results. 

So if they click on the link next to your website (assuming they’ve followed the link you provided in your content) they will be taken to a page that has information about childcare services in Nairobi.

Some people also choose to use tools like Google’s free Keyword Planner which can help you find out what keywords people are currently searching for on Google and Yahoo.

3). Guest Blogging in Kenya

Guest blogging is a great way of getting your name and website out there in the blogosphere. This is because it gives you a platform to gain some exposure for your website.

I’m assuming that you’ve already got a website, so all you need to do is write some content for your guest post and add a link back to your website at the end of it. (You can also add tags to your post so readers can find your site easily.)

How do I start?

First, you need to find a blog that you would like to guest post on.

Many blogs will allow you to submit your guest post as a form. Simply fill out the form with your bio and website address, send it in, and wait for them to reply.

If you don’t want to use an online form, then you can write the post yourself and then contact the blogger directly.

You can also post your guest posts on forums or other relevant websites (like this one) so that people who read your post will also see your website at the end of it.

4). Social Media Marketing

Here is another one of my favorite marketing strategies for a website in Kenya.

I think everybody knows about social media marketing by now, but I’m going to explain it anyway :).   

Social media is a great way of connecting with people, especially when they have similar interests as you do.  

It’s also a great way of getting more exposure for your website because if someone shares something on their social media page then they are likely to share it with their friends who might be interested in what they are sharing too.

So how do I do it?  

Well there are plenty of social media websites out there that you can use such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc., however, I recommend using Facebook as a platform for most businesses because: 

  • It has the most users out of all social media websites.
  • It’s easy to use and understand.
  • You can post updates and pictures on your Facebook page.
  • You can see what your friends are up to.
  • You can see how many times your posts have been liked, shared, or commented on.
  • You can follow other people on Facebook and they can follow you back if you ask them nicely!

By using these four methods I’ve outlined above, you should be able to get more social media exposure for your business!   You might want to try some of the other methods that I mentioned above too so that you can get a better idea of what works for you!

5). Create YouTube Channel

YouTube is probably the most popular video-sharing website in the world. With over 1 billion users, it’s easy to see why it’s so popular.

You can have a YouTube channel and upload videos of your product or service. You can also create a channel for your business and then upload videos of how you work or how you do business. 

This could be a very useful feature for customers who want to see what life is like at your company! You can also use this feature as a way to get more exposure for your business.

How do I start?

Go to YouTube and click on the “Create Channel” button.

You’ll need to give your channel a name and description.

Your description is the first thing that people see when they search for your channel. It’s a good idea to give it a catchy name that will draw people in! You can also upload a logo with your channel so that people will know what kind of business you’re in!

If you want viewers to be able to subscribe to your channel, it’s important that you include the Subscribe button at the end of your description. If you don’t include this, people won’t be able to subscribe!

Now you can upload videos, but if you want more subscribers or views on your videos, then it’s important that you do some promotion! You have two options for promoting your videos:

  • Using an external service such as YouTube Advertising or 
  • Paying for advertising yourself.   Which method do I choose? I’m going to use YouTube Advertising because it’s free and easy! ! Whenever I’ve used this feature before, it has worked really well and got me lots of views very quickly!

Go ahead and add YouTube to your marketing strategies for a website in Kenya.


6). Build an Email List

This is a really important step that you need to do before you start making money with your website in Kenya. If you want people to buy your products or services and keep coming back to your website.

You’ll need an email service such as MailChimp or AWeber. You should also create a landing page on your website that people can sign up for.

Once they’ve signed up, keep nurturing a relationship with them! Send them emails on a regular basis to ask for their feedback, invite them to events, and keep asking for their email address.

How do I start?   

You’ll need to create a free Mail Chimp account and then set up a landing page on your website.

To get people to subscribe to your email lists, offer them something of value for free. You can also give them exclusive access to special offers.

You should also send a weekly roundup of your recent videos or blog posts or any other kind of content you’d like to send out.

7). Participate in Online Forums & Discussions

Online forums are an excellent way to market your website in Kenya and get your name out there.

People post questions and comments on various online forums, and anyone can answer those questions.

You can even create a thread for your own business, and the people who read the thread will see your profile, email address, and website link.

Who is it for?

Anyone with a website should participate in online discussions.

There are so many forums out there like this that you will be able to find one that fits your needs.

It’s also great if you have a brick-and-mortar business since people will often ask questions about your products or services when they visit the store.

How to do it:

Find a forum where you would like to participate in discussions about websites and then subscribe to the site. Then post some replies on the discussion threads related to the topics you have expertise in or have interest in because it’s going to increase your visibility as well as generate leads for your business. 

It’s also important that you reply to threads relevant to what you are selling or offering because customers often browse through different forums before making a decision whether they want what you have available for sale or not. 

You can also post links with sales pitches or sales-related messages on discussion boards so that potential customers who visit the board would be able to leave their contact information if they want more information about what you offer or how they can get more of what you have been providing them.

Final Thoughts

If you have a website, it’s important to make sure that you are doing everything possible to optimize your site so that people can find what they’re looking for.

If you aren’t taking advantage of these marketing strategies then you might not be getting the results that you want. 

It is also important to remember that as long as your website is up-to-date and clean, it will continue to rank high on search engines like Google and Yahoo!

If you want more traffic from potential customers, then make sure that your website has all the features that they need in order for them to find what they’re looking for when they visit your site.  If your business in Kenya isn’t generating enough sales then it might be time to look at other options such as hiring a content writer to help create optimized content for your blog in Kenya.


If you are looking for the best content writers, we can help! We provide content writing services for your blog, magazine, or website. We will write the best quality articles, which will help you to gain more traffic and improve your online presence. 

Our writers are highly experienced and are trained in SEO, so they can write high-quality articles that will rank high on search engines.

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